Monday, April 28, 2014

Diary of a tired, crazed mom

Single parents are my rock stars.  I don't know how the hell they do it.  Matt was away for a mere 30 hours and I practically flew into his arms when he came home.  Okay okay, I'm exaggerating a bit but seriously to be the sole care taker for Grace this weekend gave me a new appreciation for my husband and I'm in awe of how some  parents do this alone day in and day out.
Diary of a tired crazed mom:
9am: Matt just left for a 30 hour trip - I'll play and read books with Grace for a bit until she needs to nap.....
10am: Ahh. Nap time - mommy time = laundry and school work. 
11am: That was a short nap- this should translate itself later. Awesome!  Lunch time
12pm: Ahh! I gotta get out of the house...Was productive- ran a few errands, visited a friend - Grace slobbered all over friends window, played and threw rocks in friends house.  Begged for snacks at friends house.   I wish I took up my friends sangria offer
Grace loves reading - this is great. We can just read the rest of the afternoon.
Grace loves running around the house - this is great.  We can run around the rest of the afternoon.
Grace loves throwing fits - this is terrible.  This better not go on all afternoon.  I"M LOSING CONTROL!
330pm: More laundry then time for the park.
4pm: What it's only 4!!Aww Grace is so happy swinging.  I love that little smile.  Her outbursts don't seem so bad when I see this smile.
530pm: Time for dinner!  Wait - Matt is really gone - who is going to feed us?
So dinner was a success - success meaning, Grace and I ate it and we didn't get poisoned and the house didn't burn down.  Grace in just her diaper played in the recycling  - she looked like a homeless baby. Normally I would stop her but it was keeping her entertained, so who am I to stop that!
6pm: More flippin laundry, dishes, playing and temper tantrums -- slowing counting down the hours until 8pm!  I feel my eyelids getting heavier - MUST NOT LET GRACE KNOW SHE IS WINNING!
8pm: Angels are singing - its BEDTIME
8:01pm: Mommy's sleeping!!

I won't chronicle the next day - but it was filled with food, laundry, dishes, poopy diapers, happy/unhappy baby!!!

230pm: Garage door opening
Grace and I in unison:  "DADA!"

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Great Job!

Last night was my final tutoring session.  For the past 11 weeks, I have worked with a young girl on improving her vocabulary and teaching her various reading strategies.  I've seen this young girl blossom from a shy, hesitant reader to a confident, motivated reader. It's been an awesome needless to say I was a bit sad that last night was our last time meeting together.  As I pulled up to the house, I was trying to switch gears from graduate work to mom work.  It's not easy to switch off.  Expecting to see Matt's car in the garage - but it was empty.  Weird.  Why weren't they playing on the floor of the TV room like expected.  Walking into an empty house is a rarity nowadays.  Figuring I only had a couple of minutes to decompress, I ran upstairs changed into the usual suspects -sweatpants and t-shirt.  Kept thinking of the bittersweet ending I just had with my student.  Excited to think that I almost have my masters - sad to think this experience is almost to an end...It was then  I heard commotion coming from downstairs,  I knew it was time to get out of my head.  As I came to the bottom of the stairs...........

Friday, April 18, 2014

Weekend Visit!!!

When I moved down to Austin 7 years ago - I didn't think I would be down here for long.  I seriously thought I would live in Austin for a year or two and then move back to Long Island.  But I fell in love (with the city and Matt), got married and had a baby.  Most of my childhood friends are back on Long Island and there are times I wish I could just transport my life that I have down here back to NY.  How great it would to call up my friends and meet up on main street in Islip, like old times.  But I'm happy in Austin and no matter the distance my friendships are solid -- plus it makes great fun for weekend visits like we just had.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Hello GoT, Goodbye Hipster Sunglasses

Beginnings and Endings..

Smooth Jazz...GoT Style 

The Beginning
The fourth season of Game of Thrones premiered last night and I was pumped like the rest of the GoT nerds.  Over the weekend HBO ran a 60 hour marathon (seasons 1-3, 2x), you better believe that for 60 hours the Lannisters, Starks, Tyrells, The Mother of Dragons and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms were invited into our house.  I even missed a girls night (book club) to watch the premiere last night.  I won't bore you with details - but Matt and I drank wine, ate roasted meat and potatoes, an watched the premiere by candlelight.  It was glorious

The Ending

I'm sad to announce that my hipster sunglasses were destroyed tonight by a certain toddler.  I've been told by many they were ridiculous.  I've been told by a few they were cool.  I didn't care what others thought - I loved them and I'll miss them.  RIP hipster glasses...