Monday, April 20, 2015

Date Night!

I got to go on two dates this weekend.  On Saturday night, Matt and I went out to this great restaurant downtown - Arro.  If you are in Austin, go check it out.  It's delicious.  The drinks are fabulous and the food even better.  Earlier in the week, Matt and I were trying to think the last time just us two went out to a nice meal..we came to conclusion, it was way too long ago and this night out was long overdue.   We laughed, we drank, we ate (alot!), we relaxed, we enjoyed every ounce of that grown up date.  Of course we say we should go out more often, and we try, we really do, but life happens, plans fall through and then it is another 8 months until we're alone. 

The second date I went on this weekend was on Sunday afternoon.  I wasn't technically on this date, I was more of the observer.   Matt wanted to try out this gelato place, so on a nice warm Sunday afternoon - Matt, Grace and I piled into the car and headed to Dolce Neve.  As great as my date was the night before with Matt, the daddy-daughter date that I got to be a part of was one of the best dates I've been on.   There is something about watching Matt and Grace interact that always takes my breath away.