Monday, September 2, 2013


I love sunglasses. I can't leave home without them.  I actually panic when I can't find them.  I have light eyes, and the sun is strong therefore making wearing sunglasses a necessity (for me anyway).  I look at my sunglasses like a good pair of jeans. I'm willing the pay good money for them as I see them as an investment.  I wear them everyday, so I ration it out as that by the time I am ready for a new pair of sunglasses they probably only cost me a penny a day -- I'm just guesstimating, I haven't sat down to do the math on this one. 

However, my life has recently changed.  I went to a friends birthday party a couple weekends back.  She had it on a party barge.  There was drinks, there was water, there was sun, there was fun, and then there was SUNGLASSES.  There was a bunch of dollar store sunglasses that my friend brought for everybody to have on the boat.  You know the ones I am talking about-- the ones that are given out at weddings, the ones frat boys used to wear but now the hipsters sport them.  While we were on the boat  I snagged me a pair since I was venturing into the water and was afraid of losing my nice sunglasses.  Ever since I slipped those suckers on, I haven't looked back.  They block the sun, they're durable, they're cheap and they double as a toy for Grace.  I know I should be wearing my collar popped while I rock them but I can't help myself these pair of sunglasses have changed the way I see things.

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