Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Did you know....

Matt has this "thing."  Everyday he asks me "Did you know..."  He has been doing this for YEARS.  In the beginning, when he would announce those three words, I would look at him eagerly awaiting the new bit of trivia he would bestow on me for the day.  It was endearing that he wanted to share fun tidbits with me......until it wasn't. 

We will be in the middle of a conversation and I spot a sparkle in his eye.  I know this sparkle.  It's a did-you-know-sparkle.  And as predicted,  Matt will ask me with a smirk - DID YOU KNOW...And I want to turn around and run out the room.  I can't say why this habit of us has me bonkers but it does.  I often think "how and why the hell does he know all this useless information?"  There are days when he will inform me of something that is ACTUALLY interesting.  I appreciate those days - but they are few.  He is well aware of how annoyed I get with this daily tradition, but he is never deterred from sharing.  It has sort of become a game for us.

Example of a "did you know" conversation:
A: Hey honey, how was your day?  Busy at work
M: Yea, a little busy. How was your day?
A: Oh good.  I'm starving. I only had an apple for lunch.
M: Did you know that the strawberries and peaches in instant oatmeal are actually just flavored dehydrated apples?
A: Now I do (insert eye roll)  

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