Friday, October 25, 2013


Immediately after having Grace I felt complete.  Emotionally, mentally and physically - I was at peace.  There had been a part of me missing since I was a senior in college and with Grace's arrival - I was whole.

Let me stop there.

This is a post about my eyebrow.  My sentiments

It was the beginning of my senior year of college at Fordham University - Go Rams! I was looking at myself in the mirror one morning and my eyes went straight to my right eyebrow - part of it was missing!  What the heck happened?  Where is my eyebrow.  Up to that point - I had nice eyebrows - they had a nice arch, not to full but not too thin either.  Still to this day I don't know what happened.  People have speculated that my friends/roommates shaved part of my eyebrow off while I was sleeping.  We played tricks on each other - but not like that.  Others have thought the hair follicle was probably damaged and the hair fell out and wouldn't grow back.

Since my right eyebrow wasn't completely gone just had a gaping hole in the middle of it - my nickname senior year, Tribrow

Over the years I have covered up my shame by coloring in my eyebrow, like an impostor.  Rare occasions did I leave the house without creating symmetry on my face.  I can recall a dinner at my sister and brother in laws house a couple years back - mind you that was probably 6 or 7 years after "the incident"- my dad was looking at my funny and then he blurts What happened to your eyebrow?   Was he not that perceptive?  Or was my tribrow not that noticeable?

Fast forward time to last year while I was pregnant... It was as though my body knew while growing that little body inside of me, it was sprouting little hairs on my eyebrow. 

I don't know what changed, maybe pregnancy hormones? maybe damaged follicle finally healed?  Not sure - but what I am sure about is that it looks like I have two eyebrows instead of three.


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