Tuesday, October 1, 2013

head vs heart

Grr...I'm in kind of a bad mood this afternoon.  I think I've been in a bad mood the past couple of days.  Not sure why - but poor Matt got the brunt of my attitude when he came home from work.  whoops.  I felt badly after I snapped at him but in the moment it felt good - get rid of some pent up aggression. 

When I was younger and in a bad mood I would go rollerblading around my town - head down to the dock and sit by the bay, listen to music and just zone out.

When I was a little older I would roll down the windows to my car and drive around  and blare music.  Sometimes I would visit the beach.

Now - I yell at Matt.  I think for his sake and our marriage, I need to come up with another way to rid my aggression. Unfortunately there is no beach in Austin and I haven't gone rollerblading in 10 years. I also have this inner conflict with myself, could I really just pick up and leave my family for a couple of hours?  Am I bad mom or a bad wife if I do this? My head tells me that it is okay to leave and get away - That taking time to myself will be the refreshing break that I need.  My heart tells me otherwise - being close to the ones I love the most is what I need.  The ever present head vs. heart battle is never fun.

ehhh - this is a pity party blog. Sorry no fun to read.


In other news - one of the things Grace and I did today was go to the library!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry this is so late and I hope you're feeling better but I totally know how you feel- its PMS for me which is getting progressively worse as I get older...but you will actually do yourself and your family better if you do take that time away- you are absolutely NOT being a bad mom or wife for taking some time to yourself..If i learned anything with my psychology degree that you need to do you first in order to be the best for them...so get in the car and blast some music and zone out- then come back and be the great lady you are !!!


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy my madness :)