Monday, June 9, 2014

Wild World

Hi there!  It's been absolutely too long since I last wrote.  I wish I could say I was on a glamorous trip to Europe and couldn't find the time to write, but, that's not the case.  I've just been busy with typical daily life to find the time to write.  Over the past month, we've geared up for some upcoming plans: weddings, fundraisers, birthday parties, vacations, etc...  But it's what happened this morning that was weighing heavily on my mind for the past month (s), er, 16 months.

 Wild World

I always knew I would go back to work after having Grace.  When I left her home with the nanny for my first day back to work after maternity leave, I was a wreck.  I'm told this is very normal.  I was a wreck for the first couple of months, and then it was if we hit a smooth road and things were working seamlessly.  THEN, our nanny had to leave us, so we had to adjust to another nanny taking care of Grace, THEN that nanny left and we had to adjust to another nanny.  Matt, Grace and I were exhausted from all this adjusting - so Matt and I made the decision that come summertime we would put Grace in "school."

Fast forward four months - today was Grace's first day at "school."  Even though I have been leaving my little girl since she was 12 weeks old, I wasn't quite prepared for this.  I left her in a new environment, on her own, with nothing but lunch and her blanket.  My head knows this is a great opportunity for her, she will form relationships and bonds with kids her own age, teachers that will love her, and she will learn to become an independent little girl.  Of course when it comes to ones we love, we don't always necessarily listen to our head, but rather our heart.  And my heart hurts today.  It hurts because as I said goodbye to Gracie today I could see she was a little confused as to why Matt and I were leaving.  It hurts because as soon as we walked out of the room, I looked to Matt who was overcome with emotion.  It hurts because I know that this is only the beginning of us having to let our little bird out of the nest to fly on her own.

Grace before her first day of "school"

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