Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tis the season

It's been raining on and off for the past five days....I know for people in Seattle that's nothing, but for Austin, it's a monsoon.  I've been talking a lot of about the weather lately - but it's the changing of the seasons and when it isn't sunny and hot in Austin - EVERYONE is talking about the weather, so I've hopped on the bandwagon.

For our household, lower temperatures mean a lot of things -

**Got to have music while you read:  Love this song!

Chili, Soup & Braised Meats!  - I love sitting at home watching football on Sundays and gradually find my house smelling like an oven...

Fires - we finally get to utilize the fireplace - this doesn't normally happen now but come December/January time, it's a party.

Socks, Sweaters & My pink robe - I've never seen two people strip so fast - but Matt and I are out of our work clothes and in comfy sweaters and socks within seconds of walking into the house.  My outfit is not complete without wrapping myself up in my pink robe.

Walks with Pumpkin Spice Lattes - Nothing beats a casual walk holding hands with Matt- that is, until the casual walk includes one hand on a pumpkin spice latte!!

Baking - I wish I could say I was in the kitchen being a good little wife baking cookies for my husband - but, that's not happening.  No! the baking in this household is done by Matt - and I absolutely love the this time of year because he is the Pillsbury dough boy.

Baths - Not sure how much time Grace will allow for a bath -  but soaking in a warm water with my iPhone playing Sarah McLaughlin is a fantasy.

Hot Chocolate - the sweetest evening treat - Nothing like curling up on the couch, snuggled under a blanket sipping on a warm cup of chocolate topped with whipped cream.

Ahh!! - I love this weather - I think I need to move to Alaska.

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