Tuesday, December 24, 2013

And a tradition was born

For the past several weeks, I've been saying to Matt that I wanted to start a Christmas tradition for our small family.  After days upon days of shouting out ideas between us, we came up with this...

Since Matt loves to cook/bake, it wouldn't be a holiday without him in the kitchen.  But since he likes to create various plates - we didn't want to settle on the same meal every year.  Next most logical thing - pulling names of dishes out of a hat.  Thus, a tradition has been born.

This years choices:
Cinnamon rolls

And the winner is.........


Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a baby was crying, not even our louse.
The stockings weren't hung because we didn't think of it,
In hopes that St. Nicholas wouldn't give a sh*t.

Grace nestled in her crib,
as I tried to scrape food from her bib.
Me, in my robe, and Matt in his Horns tee
had just settled in after my evening pee.

When out on the street I heard pitter patter
I grumbled and mumbled - quit that clatter!
I stumbled downstairs to see what was the noise
rubbed my eyes and could not believe all the toys.

From the driveway, I heard a monstrous car purr
I knew it had to be Rita, she's the only one that would buy a fur.
I flew open the door to give a Thank
but she flew down the street in her tank.

Now Tim! Now Beth! Peep and Pat!
On, John, On, Cathy! on, Petie that little rat!
Quick, get in car before Grace sees us all!
We must head back to the Barton Creek Mall!

And then I heard Grace cry, for she was awake.
I ran to her room, for goodness sake.
As I picked up and rocked my little girl,
I heard the wind whip and whirl.

We snuggled and hugged until we took a wink,
I dreamed of Grace opening her presents, and wondered "what would she think?"
Before I knew it, the dark sky turned bright,
We went downstairs to the most magical sight.

From the other room I heard the family talk and laugh,
As I walked in with an orange juice carafe
All the family was huddled by the tree,
there were more presents, as far as the eye can see.

A look back on the year,
I was not shocked to find a tear
Hug your loved ones tight
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. 

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Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy my madness :)