Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thanks for the reminder..

There comes a point in a girls life when she becomes a "woman."  I vividly remember this moment - it was the day after my 13th birthday to be exact.  I cried and cried.  My parents were both at work -  my sister was home with me - I remember telling her and her laughing her butt off know, normal older sibling support.  I remember thinking - I don't want to grow up.  I was so sad my body was changing. 

It was a little over a year and a half ago, I was observing a fifth grade class - it was the end of the year - and so the girls and boys were being taken into separate rooms to watch videos about "the change."  Definitely one of the more awkward days observing.   I remember my mentor teach fielding questions from those inquisitive minds.  I don't recall the question - but I remembered one of the eager girls looking to her teacher for an answer which in turn led to the teacher looking to me for the answer. Me?!  I cried when this happened to me  - now I have to answer questions.  The timing was perfect - two weeks later - I found out I was pregnant.

As I stood in our master bathroom staring at 5 positive pregnancy tests - I was again struck with the reality that my body was changing.  I cried again.  It wasn't until this morning when my body decided to change again that I shed some more tears.  Not the same tears that flooded my eyes 580 days ago but tears of knowing that my body was ready to move on.

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