Monday, December 8, 2014


The mantle is glistening with white twinkly lights wrapped around fresh garland.  The stockings are hung by the chimney with love and our living room is peacefully lit by the glow of our 8 foot pine tree.    The outside of the house adorns one strand of light across the roof as Grace's own personal small pink tree peaks out from window of her room.

Sounds picturesque, right?  Now for the real picture.

6 trips to Target
2 trips to Costco
1 trip to Lowe's
1 trip to Walmart
1 hour stringing ornaments
1 hour of moving furniture
3 hours of sweeping up pine needles...and counting
30 minutes of untangling Christmas lights
2 hours of bickering with Matt regarding Christmas light placement
and the best of all
2 minutes of Grace actually acknowledging said effort and decorations.

I appreciate the loving, peaceful landscape that comes straight out of a scene from "It's a Wonderful Life."  The scene where everybody is smiling, laughing with rosy cheeks  Where the house and Christmas tree are beautifully lit and decorated.  A scene, as much as I try to replicate doesn't quite exist, because fighting with your husband, consoling your child during her 1000th meltdown of the day is my reality.  It's My Wonderful Life.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute- I laughed out loud reading this. Everything looks beautiful it was all worth it ;-) miss you!


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy my madness :)