Monday, November 11, 2013


Today we honor and celebrate our country's Veterans.  My thoughts come without agenda - solely from my heart.  In a time when our society is bombarded on a daily basis with violence - It is hard not to become desensitized to the sacrifices that have been made for our freedoms.  Today, I salute those men and women that have selflessly contributed to making our country the land of the free.

One of the Veterans that I salute today is my dad - served in Vietnam - he kept a journal while he was deployed.  Here are a few entries:

"He blesses the boys as they stand in line"

August 30, 1967
Today I went on a detail for the 1st Sgt.  in our new area.  Old "charlie" is acting up.  I heard 3 guys were shot last night and a few guards reported seeing a few VC during the night.  We expected this so it isn't so shocking.  I just finished watching "gunsmoke."  352 days to go

January 5, 1968
We got mortared again during the night.  At the same time as the night before.  They keep hitting us on the "golf course" so we're lucky here.  I guess it's about time we started to earn the combat pay they are giving us although I'd rather not.  I received a letter from Joycelyn tonight.  224 days to go.

February 13 1968
Today is 6 months in Vietnam.  Over half of my tour is over now.  The sun came out for the first time in about 4 days.  Seen Wayne Stiles today -I'm going to see him again Sunday.  185 days left.

May 5, 1968
Went to church this morning.  While we were there VC started dropping rockets in.  A few of them landed less than 50 yards from us.  Wow!  I was scared.  That was the closest I've come to being a number.  God was with me then.  103 days left.

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