Petie had just gone out to do his morning business and unbeknownst to me had come back into the house. The side door/window was still open while I was playing with Peyton on the couch, talking to my parents on the phone while they embarked on the journey drive back to Texas after a month away in Florida. Peyton was smiling, I was chatting and the next thing I knew was a small bird was flying around my kitchen. A bird flew into my house. Never in my life have I had a bird in my house. Being the ever calming force that I am, I shrieked "a bird flew into my house! AHHHH!" and as the poor little bird frantically flew around my kitchen banging into windows and kitchen cabinets, I was ducking for cover like I was in some serious danger. I hung up the phone with my parents, after I told them I felt like I was in Alfred Hitchcock's Birds, to my moms response "Allie, its one bird!"
One bird indeed. One bird that was invading my personal space and I wasn't going to take it anymore. I ran to our laundry room that houses our 'fly swatter.' By know the bird had concussed itself by banging into our back windows, window above kitchen sink and flying into the kitchen cabinets. It was quietly sitting next to the stove, like it belonged on my kitchen counter tops. I quickly shut all the doors that led to bedrooms and bathrooms. I opened the backdoor and figured the door being wide open will allow the bird to easily fly out. Well.... not quite. After I shut all doors, I put Peyton in her activity center and as she clanged around with her toys, I took the fly swatter and got closer to the bird. I started smacking the swatter on our refrigerator. This spooked the bird and as he took off he flew right into our back window again, this time getting stuck in our curtains. C'mon bird, just LEAVE! Then I made some more noise and the bird took flight again. This time slamming itself into the wide open back door. Nope, not flying out of it, but smashing its poor body into it and then continuing to fly into our TV room, where my adorable almost-5-month-old daughter was minding her business. I know was screaming like a complete lunatic "get out bird, stay away from my baby!"
The bird landed on the ground next to Petie's dog bed. Surely, if Petie was in his bed, he would be get up and scare the bird. Right, isn't that what dogs do? But no movement. Petie must be upstairs I thought. What I envisioned next was the bird flying right into Peyton, so I quickly got over to Peyton, picked her up and ran behind a wall. In one hand holding my baby, I flipped on the overhead lights and started smacking the swatter onto the wall. This time, the bird lifted off the ground, fluttered around for a second and flew out the door!
holy shit, I felt like I defeated Muhammad Ali in a boxing match. I was shuffling around - yelling "that's right bird! Get out!" Slamming the backdoor to ensure that Mr. Tweeter and his friends didn't visit again. I went back to playing with Peyton and two seconds later I heard Petie get out of his bed. You know, the bed that the bird landed on and then next too. This dog slept through the entire fiasco. My mighty, fierce watchdog didn't come to my rescue, but again, he is used to me yelling and jumping around like a lunatic in our cuckoos nest.....err, home!