I said goodbye to a friend, a friend that I've been acquainted with for the past 3 1/2 years. My friend, my anti depressant, my Fluoxetine. Please don't take this the wrong way, I am not suggesting everybody should pop a pill, or even like that they are popping a pill, but for me it helped. Roughly 8 weeks ago I started weaning off from my friend, and it was four weeks ago that I took my last pill. Like a baby learning to walk, I've used Fluoxetine for guidance, to hold my hand, but now I am ready to let go and walk on my own. I've felt dizzy, I've felt weepy, I've felt exhausted but I've also felt renewed.
I appreciate how Fluoxetine helped me over the past several years, but I now look to other medication to help me.
My medicine is Grace
My medicine is Matt
My medicine is the love and support of my family
My medicine is the laughter filled nights with friends
My medicine is writing in this blog
My medicine is lifting weights
My medicine is dark chocolate
My medicine is my counselor
My medicine are m work colleagues
My medicine is learning to take things one step at a time
My medicine is dancing around the house with Grace
My medicine is to smile at a stranger, because that might brighten up their day
My medicine is to be giving to those that are less fortunate
My medicine is accupuncture
My medicine is La Croix
My medicine is phone calls with childhood friends
My medicine is blasting music
My medicine is photography
My medicine is watching the small things that make Grace smile
My medicine is allowing myself to be scared and frightened
My medicine is knowing I might need medicine again in the future, and that it's ok if I do.
My medicine is not being so hard on myself
My medicine is trying to be positive
My medicine is cooking on Mondays
My medicine is smiling at the past, excited about the future and being present in the moment.
My medicine is me......
The past 3 1/2 years have been such a learning experience. I know my strengths, I know my weaknesses, I know my limits and I know when to push past them. Several years ago I stumbled, falling hard, but I got back up and now I am standing taller than before.
Fluoxetine, thank you....and goodbye
can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not
trying.” –Michael Jordan - See more at:
uncertainty and discomfort are your compasses toward growth.” - See
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uncertainty and discomfort are your compasses toward growth.” - See
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